Most of the population works in agriculture, but Minerva also sports large groups of knights. These knights are tasked with protection in general and keeping the large reptilian beasts and the Feral Ork population of the planet in check.
There are no oceans on Minevera, and preciously few lakes and rivers, as most of the planet's water is to be found underground, yet close enough to the surface that the planets dense forestation can be sustained.
Above all Minerva's main point of interest is the fact that it is one of the recruiting planets for the Imperial Fists Chapter of Space Marines. The lords of the knightly orders are rather proud of the fact that their best knights are taken into the ranks of this famous Chapter.
Recently, the Orks on Minerva have become even more of a threat than usual. Whether this is in any way connected to the forming Waaargh! in the Audacia Sector is pure speculation.